Friday, December 3, 2010


Gracie's grandpa Bob Finellar and his Grandma were on the maiden and only voyage of the Titanic. Luckily they survived to tell the tale. As the ship was going down, Grandpa Bob grabbed and held onto a woman's leg. This woman happened to be Rose. So Grandpa Bob clung to Rose for dear life. We're unsure if Rose didn't mind Grandpa Bob hanging on or if she didn't notice because he's so small. Yes, Grandpa Bob is cabbage patch size.
So anyway, Grandpa Bob eventually made it to a life raft, and even though they were only allowing women and children aboard, Grandpa Bob was able to hide due to his small stature. Grandma, on the other hand, didn't have it quite so easy. Once she hit the water she was forced to float on her back for days, until she landed on shore. Once she got to shore she was so full of water she had to do squats to wring herself out.

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