Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just Another Morning in Gracieland

  • "Gracie has the cutest eyes, nose, eyebrows, mouth, ears, hands and belly button ever. All of him is cute..He's such a cute little guy".
  • "If you fart in Texas, its called a "Texas Fart". But we're not in Texas, we're in Temecula so we don't call it that"
Aidan: "Mom, Where's Gracie?" 
Me: I dunno, back there with you somewhere".
Aidan: "No hes not."
Me: "Yes he is, you carried him out with your back pack".
Panic Ensues and I'm debating on whether or not to turn around because we're not too far from home and we left a little early so probably wouldn't be late for school, and I KNOW that if Gracie is removed from the driveway and we never see him again it will be the end of the world, I will be the world's worst mom, and Aidan will continually tell strangers about the brother that he used to have that his mom left in the driveway and lost. (Don't think for a second that he's never told a grocery store clerk that his mom leaves his baby brother in the car when we go shopping). I slow down to pull of the road and turn around.
Aidan: "Mom".
Me: "What?"
Aidan: "He's right here. He was hiding under my feet".
Aidan: "Mom?"
Me: "Yes Aidan?"
Aidan: "Doesn't that house look like the White House except it has a chimney? I don't think the White House has a chimney. Don't you wish we had more than one chimney? Houses with lots of chimneys are cooler than our house". 
Me: "I don't know if the White House has a chimney or not and I still think our house is pretty cool even though we only have one".
Aidan:"Mom, wouldn't it be funny if the White House was yellow and it was called the Yellow House?"

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